Mukoko Until Morning 🌙

Temel and Dursun's funny and interesting adventure in the African jungle! What happens to them with their answers to the tribal chief's question will make you laugh. Discover what Mukoko is!

Mukoko Until Morning 🌙

Temel and Dursun were exploring in the African jungle one day. 🌳🦁 While they were walking in the jungle, the natives suddenly appeared and took them both to their tribe. They tied them both to a stake. The chief of the tribe first came to Dursun and asked him:

Do you want to die or mukoko? 🤔
Dursun thought and said:

I don't want to die, I don't know the meaning of mukoko anyway.
😅. And they started to f*ck Dursun 😳 Temel, of course, saw what happened. This time they asked Temel:

Do you want to die or mukoko? 😈
Temel said:

I'd rather die than be f*cked. 😤
So the tribal chief said:

Then mukoko this dog to death! 😆